Support the project

The future of this web documentary lies in your hands. We want to continue developing it, and we have plenty of ideas. We are working already on additional features: factsheets, photo galleries, downloadable exhibition kit, podcasts and an entire Library section filled with resources. But most importantly, we want to update the stories of some of the families, follow their struggles for justice and their struggles to rebuild their lives. We never spared effort, time or resources to tell those stories in the most respectful, sensitive, accurate and meaningful way. To continue, we will need the help of web designers, translators, researchers. We will have to travel back to Gaza. We have already given up paid jobs to work on the web doc, but we cannot ask others to do the same. That’s why we need your support.

Here is what you can expect, should we collect additional funds:

  • podcasts (audible version of each chapter and two prefaces)
  • booklet: elegantly designed texts and photos on paper
  • translation into Arabic
  • another year has passed: updates from Gaza


For more information about how to support
our project, please contact us at:

You can also donate directly to our paypal at:

DIY Exhibition Kit

The exhibition kit is  a simple and practical tool for the viewers to get involved!

Download the DIY exhibition kit